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About Me

Hello, Bonjour, Aloha, Guten Tag, Ciao, Γειά σου!!!


I am on a mission to greet y'all from around the world and share my travels and adventures. I was born in suburbs of Dallas/Fort Worth and then lived in the Hill Country of San Antonio, which is an amazing place filled with culture, history, and beautiful places to hike and explore. In 2008, I moved to Wayne, Nebraska, graduated high school there, and recently graduated college from Wayne State with a Business Administration degree with a concentration in Marketing. I also picked up a music minor along the way, because I got a vocal scholarship. Now I plan to start my career in Des Moines, Iowa in March with the BEST COMPANY EVER, Target :) 


Since I graduated in December and I start my job in March, I figured I had two months to do something crazy and most of all, for myself...I will be traveling around Europe for 38 days all by my lonesome! Sounds a bit crazy, right? But this is the only time in my younger years that I could do something like this, so heck yeah I'm going to do it! I will be documenting my adventure through my blog. Stay tuned for my explorations in London, Brussels, Amsterdam, Luxembourg City, Zurich, Venice, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, Prague, Berlin, and Reykjavik :)

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